Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TUMS A Pioneer in Establishing New Fields of Study and New Technologies in Iran, Says the Chancellor

TUMS A Pioneer in Establishing New Fields of Study and New Technologies in Iran, Says the Chancellor
Date: 9/27/2010

TUMSPR News: TUMS Chancellor, Dr. Bagher Larijani, calls the students and faculty members to help sustain the institute’s scientific prosperity in his lecture at the New Academic Year (2010-11) celebration on September 25, 2010.

On September 25, 2010, the new academic year of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) was officially started by the participation of the students, their parents, deans of schools, the steering committee members and the chancellor himself.

In his speech, the chancellor hinted at the long history the University which well exceeds 76 years [at the present location] and more than 157 years according to historic documents and said despite being the oldest higher education center in the country, it had kept its prosperity.

Hinting at the first rank of the University [in education and research] in the past 5 years nationally and the joint rank achieved (below 500) by partnership with theUniversity of Tehran (UT) among world universities in world university ranking by QS he said all these signify our upward trend.

Referencing to the education of more than 50 percent of PhD students in medical fields in Iran, the chancellor said that 30-40% of all medical publications are by the faculties and students of TUMS and counted the faculties some of the best in their fields and assets of the university and recommended the students to make the most out of the teachings offered to them to be among the best in the country.

Moreover, the chancellor indicated that the University has a full educational, research and technological cycle, offering more than 150 programs each term, publishing most medical outputs and introducing and producing new medications and medical equipment and, therefore, sustaining this degree of growth entails keeping in lines with scientific standards. He called working in this cycle worthwhile as it serves people’s health.

The chancellor also recommended the students to try to simultaneously improve morally as medical profession is serving a sacred goal and that is saving lives and added that this process sometimes demands to sacrifice your comfort for the betterment of patients.

He finally talked about the goals of the universities for offering double degrees between domestic and international universities and the improvement that had to be made to the 75-year old building that does not any more serve the purpose of such a large institution.

Picture gallery.

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